New York Public Library President, Paul LecClerc, along with city officials, gathered on 42nd street this this past Tuesday to celebrate the substantial completion of the $50 million, 3-year restoration project. In 2006, a building survey revealed severe deterioration and soiling on the façade, including the Corinthian column capitals, lion head keystones and scroll modillions. Wiss, Janney, Elstner Associates, Inc., the architects who performed the survey, attributed the deterioration to various factors including pigeon guano.
Pigeon guano corrodes building facades and has been a big problem for historic buildings throughout the years. When the architects of the restoration project realized the scope of the problem, and the need to bird proof the building to prevent future corrosion, they called the experts: BirdMaster Bird Control Systems. BirdMaster is the architect’s choice and #1 specified bird Control Company for historic preservation. Over a 3-year period, BirdMaster’s Bird Control Professionals installed over 18,000 square feet of bird netting. Not only is the netting virtually invisible, it will not harm pest birds.For over 20 years, BirdMaster has been protecting our nation’s architectural and historic treasures from pest bird infestations. Our bird control portfolio includes sites such as the Statue of Liberty (New York), Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, the National Cathedral in Washington, DC and a legion of other prestigious landmarks. Our commitment to historic preservation has led to assignments on the campuses of nearly every Ivy League college, and most of the government buildings lining Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC