When a Cooper’s Hawk got stuck in the netting of the Andrew Square T-Station earlier this week in Boston, MA officials called animal rescue workers and professional falconers to the scene. However, all efforts to free the hawk failed. According to Channel 7 News in Boston, “Even professional falconers are stymied”. After seeing reports of the situation, John Pace, President of BirdMaster Bird Control Systems, contacted the MBTA to see if they could help and their professional bird control installers were soon on the scene. For over 20 years, BirdMaster has been protecting architectural structures from pest birds without harming them, so they knew just what to do to save this one. Working with the animal rescue league, BirdMaster was able to maneuver the existing netting to allow the hawk to escape. Danielle Genter, from the Animal Rescue League then scooped the hawk up and rushed it to Tufts University Vets in Grafton, MA. “It’s kind of heart wrenching when you see a bird slamming into windows and falling. Seems helpless. But it’s good that she (Genter) was here and she took him right away so I’m sure he’ll be fine”– Will Barretto, Operations Manager with BirdMaster Bird Control Systems.
About BirdMaster:
Founded in 1988 BirdMaster® (www.birdmaster.com) is the premier company specializing in architectural bird control and bird proofing. They have developed proprietary products and techniques that protect bridges and stadiums, hospitals, museums, hotels, office buildings, theatres, and retail establishments of all styles and vintages. Their customer portfolio includes sites like the U.S. Capitol Building, the Statue of Liberty, Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, the National Cathedral in Washington, and a legion of other prestigious landmarks. Their commitment to historic preservation has led to assignments on the campuses of nearly every Ivy League college, not to mention most of the government buildings lining Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, DC.