May is Historic Preservation Month so people and organizations, big and small, should take some time to celebrate history, architecture, and historic buildings or landmarks. The 2013 theme is “See! Save! Celebrate!” This
theme is a perfect reflection of BirdMaster’s work in preserving America’s architectural and historic treasures from pest bird infestations.
We SEE and appreciate these beautiful landmarks that line avenues, are featured on postcards, tell stories and embellish our city skylines. We also SAVE them from the damaging effects of bird guano and CELEBRATE the completion of our hard work in ensuring that the integrity of these places will be protected for decades to come.
This year’s theme has encouraged us to shed some light on the world’s favorite historic places. We hope to pass on the encouragement to our clients and followers to SEE these places, learn how we’ve contributed to SAVE them, and CELEBRATE their importance in our world.
We’ve come up with a fun Pinterest event to engage our followers and clients, and perhaps attract new audiences. To participate in our Pinterest event, first follow our profile at Then, locate our Board titled “Historic Preservation Month 2013” and add some pins of your favorite historic landmarks! The board will no longer accept new pins after the month is over and will be archived for viewing only.
If you enjoy historic architecture and landmarks, feel free to follow us and see what we’re up to on your favorite social network! BirdMaster is active on the following sites: